Programs and Activities (2015-2024)

08.2024. English version of policy paper: Artashes Sargsyan. "The possibilities of production of hydrogen, especially "green" hydrogen in Armenia", Yerevan, 2024. - 24 pages. (ISBN 978-9939-0-4665-5). The original research was funded by EU through EaP CSF Armenian National Platform (ANP) (WG 3) Download PDF Eng.

2022-2024. Development of the course of laboratory works on renewable energy sources for University students with practical applications (underway)    Short PDF(Eng)

16.11.2023. Organization of seminar on "Possibilities of production of hydrogen, especially "green" hydrogen in Armenia" at the Institute of Physics of Yerevan State University, presentation of the text brochure (same name), 24 pages, 2023 (open following link in new tab) see FB

09.2023. Publication of an article on RES in Armenia in English in Noyan Tapan (weekly electronic bulletin) Artashes Sargsyan. ADVANCEMENT IN SOLAR PV INSTALLATIONS IN ARMENIA, Noyan Tapan Highlights, #31(1434), 2023, pp.8-9. PDF(Eng)    Download PDF(Eng)

08-10, 2023. Publication. Artashes Sargsyan. "The possibilities of production of hydrogen, especially "green" hydrogen in Armenia", Yerevan, 2023. - 24 pages. (ISBN 978-9939-0-4665-5) (in Armenian)
funded by EU through EaP CSF Armenian National Platform (ANP) (WG 3)    Download PDF Arm.    Download Annotation PDF Eng

Participation (online) in the 13th EaP CSF Annual Assembly (November 30 - 2 December 02, 2021).

09-10, 2021. EU-Armenia Cooperation's New Opportunities for Sustainable Energy Development in Armenia
funded by EU through the Secretariat of EaP CSF and ANP (WG 3)   PDF(Eng).

23.02-25.02.2021. Participation in online training course for CSOs from EaP countries, Certificate of Completion: Masterclass in Policy Communication by JAKOV BOJOVIC, President of Centre for Policy Writing (CEPOW, Spain) with support of EaP Civil Society Facility.

10.2020-01.2021. Participation in online training course organized by Dixi Group Ukraine for CSOs from the Eastern Partnership countries with funding from Civil Society Facility – Sectoral Accountability in the Energy Sector for CSOs. Certificate of Completion with Honors. During this course Artashes Sargsyan participated also in one webinar as a Country expert on energy and delivered presentation on renewables.

Prospects of Solar Energy Use in Armenia in The Context of CEPA and other International Commitments and Opportunities PDF(Eng) and
Research on 150kw Solar PV Station in Yenokavan, Tavush Marz, Armenia PDF(Eng)
funded by EU through the Secretariat of EaP CSF and ANP, 2020.

Advocates for Sustainable Energy Transition. ASET Project in 2016-2017 (Denmark-Armenia-Belarus-Macedonia-Serbia-Ukraine)

Mapping the Route for Armenia and The EU Cooperation within Energy Union // Mapping the Route for EaP Countries and the EU Cooperation within Energy Union / Edited by Andrii Chibuk. Kiev: 2016.- P. 6-40.   PDF
funded by EU through the Secretariat of EaP CSF

Energy Security and Energy Union. Perspectives for Armenia//Energy Union and Energy Security in Eap Countries /   Think Tank NGO "World Experience for Georgia. Tbilisi: 2015. - P. 12-25. PDF(Eng)
funded by EU through the Secretariat of EaP CSF

Programs and Activities (1996-2000)

Information Services on Renewable Energy (08.1999-03.2000)

Organization of 3-day seminar. Multilateral Financial Organizations. Jointly with CEE Bankwatch Network, Noramberd, Armenia (September 12-15, 1998).

Raising Awareness on Multilateral Financial Organizations(06-09.1998)

In the world of clean and safe technologies (06.1998).To raise the awareness of population on environmental issues.

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Information Center (1997-1998).

Weatherization of doors and windows in Orphanage house in v. Kharberd, Armenia (1997).

Renewable Energy Development in Armenia (1996).

Business plan for micro and mini Hydropower plants preparing skills (1995-1996).